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Golden Snowball Totals for the 2010 - 2011 Snowfall Season
Updated  5/1/2011

GSB Cities This Season Normal Average
to Date
This Time Last Season Normal
 Seasons Average
All Time Season Snowfall Record
Syracuse 179.0 111.8 106.1 121.1 192.1 inches
( 1992 - 1993 )
Rochester 127.0 99.8 89.8 100.3 161.7 inches
( 1959 - 1960 )
Binghamton 117.5 80.8 81.4 81 134.0 inches
( 1995 - 1996 )
Buffalo 111.8 96.7 74.1 97 199.4 inches
( 1976 - 1977 )
Albany 87.2 62.6 45.4 62.6 112.5 inches
( 1970 - 1971 )

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Is it Time for Another Snow Dance - NOT!

Could the snow season be over? Maybe not. There are a few rumors going around about some weather changes coming up just in time for the Easter holiday. Unfortunately not good changes though. Cold air is a possibility according to the General who posted in the forum about a possible event come some time next week. I have to admit with the several spring like teaser days that we have had I'm pretty much ready for the warmer air to set up and stay for more than a few days at a time.

Everyone that visits here must be aware of the snow dance ritual that is performed when the snow isn't falling like it should be. Well there is also a Spring time ritual which I might be doing in the very near future to see if we can get the warm air to stick around. This ritual is a simple one that only involves a razor and some shaving cream. Yup, The annual ritual of shaving off my beard if you can call it that. I start hating the thing right about now and most likely by the weekend it will be gone : ) The other thing that I can't wait for and will be breaking out soon are my sandals. Although I have worn them a few times this winter, mostly just to run to the corner store real quick, I'm ready to leave them out now. Of course as Jill and others have mentioned in the past, as soon as we do the annual spring routine it will start snowing.

As for the updates here! The blog had a few bugs which seem to be straightened out now. I also had some intermittent problems with the email to so if anyone has emailed the last couple of weeks there might be a chance that I didn't receive them. If I didn't respond to your email then that pretty much means I didn't get them and my apologies. This time in the season I don't post quite as much but I will be keeping things updated on a more regular basis than I have. Hey have a super weekend all!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The First Day of Spring Around the Corner

Hard to believe isn't it? If I am correct the first day of spring arrives on Wednesday the 21st. The temperature that morning is suppose to be around 9 degrees. Just a quick reminder that the contest doesn't end the first day of spring. I know it looks good for Syracuse right now but this is CNY and it does snow in April. Just think if this was a close race and we called it on the first day of Spring and then the next week another city gets enough snow to take the lead we would look kind of stupid wouldn't we. Yeah I know we do a good job at doing that already.

The good news is that come Thursday look for warmer weather to blow into the area with 50's in the forecast for the weekend. Will it stick around? I personally don't think so but it is still kind of nice although cruel to get some teaser days in when we can. On to Rochester.

Rochester has tied their annual snow totals for the season and with what just went through their city a little while ago most likely have passed the average by now. Way to go Rochester. With the start all of us other than Buffalo got off to that wasn't an easy feat to say the least. Now it's up to Buffalo to surpass their annual snowfall totals and there is still time left to do it. Another thing I noticed is that 4 of the 5 cities have passed last years totals which as lame as last year was shouldn't have been as hard as it was to do. Now it's up to Binghamton to make it 5 for 5 and I don't see that happening. Albany has a long shot at hitting their annual snowfall total but time is running out on them.

Couch Coach Time. It looks like Syracuse will be setting an NIT attendance record tonight with something like over 23,000 tickets sold so far. For all I know they might have already gone over the record. From what I have read the best bet to avoid parking and traffic problems is to park up at Manley and catch the shuttle from there. Plus you don't have to deal with the hill. It should be a good game and Syracue will be bringing their A game tonight. I have that feeling. Rautins needs to get on again and I think his 3 pointer welcome back game will be tonight. Personally I think his defense has been pretty good this season. Devo has been playing his butt off and Watkins also has to be on tonight. With the rest of the team doing what they have the last couple of games and getting them two back on form it should be a great Syracuse outing. 3 pointers, made free throw shots, rebounds and a good defense is in the Syracuse forecast for tonight. GO Cuse!!!

On the NCAA brackets one word comes to mind. Embarrassment. My mother is kicking my butt with her bracket picks. She only has 10 losses so far compared to my best sheet which has 12 losses and another that got torn up after Wisconsin lost. The good part is that we split. The bad part is that she picked teams that I have a hard time cheering for. Mostly the ACC teams. I think the only one she didn't pick was Duke. Yup, even mom knew the 6 seed was ridiculous and had them losing in the first round. Well only one team left from the ACC which is NC and she has them. She does know her Big East teams though and I'm happy to say that I can still cheer for Pitt and Georgetown. Yeah I know arch enemies. Only in the big east. Gotta cheer on the Big East conference when it comes to the NCAA's. Enough said and have a super week all!

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Cold Snowy St Patricks Day

Happy St Patricks Day all. Yeah, I know it's a day early but I'll be heading out tomorrow morning to hit the parade and won't have time to wish you all it tomorrow. Downtown Syracuse and probably downtown in most of the other cities is the place to be tomorrow. Be warned that it will be bone chilling cold with the temps and the wind and depending on which way the storm that is expected late tonight and tomorrow goes the chances are there will be a lot of snow to deal with also. Hopefully nothing a couple extra glasses of antifreeze can't take care of if you know what I mean. Below is a repost from last year as to how our St Patricks day pretty much goes. Have a great weekend all and good luck with your NCAA picks.

Tips and Tales of St Patty's Day Downtown

St Patrick's Day Weekend is here in Syracuse. Unfortunately only one of the few times I get to get out and enjoy Downtown Syracuse. A bunch of us every year, about 20 or more of us which is a mix of men and women normally hit a local soda pop bar early in the day. OK day meaning morning what can I say? Yes in the morning and don't be coming to any conclusions. It's only once a year we do this. Anyways family and friends come to town just for this day downtown. From Virginia, Poughkeepsie, Boston and so on. St Patty's Day downtown is so much fun that people come from all over the country for it.

Here is how the whole day plays out or should I say is suppose to play out. It hardly ever goes as planned which makes it even more fun. We normally start out at the Park Hill Tavern in East Syracuse where we get dropped off by our designated driver for the day. Normally one of our kids who BTW get paid well for for driving us but it is well worth it. Don't drink pop and drive. We catch the bus from the Park Hill to the city. So far in the 15 years give or take that we have been doing this I don't think we have ever caught the bus we intended to. Either all of us aren't there yet or we weren't watching for the bus and we miss the one intended. Once we even got on the wrong bus and ended up in NYC. Well not NYC but definitely the wrong bus that had a lot of detours on the way. It would of been faster walking there that year.

Finally we end up downtown for the Parade. Once we were even fortunate enough to see the parade. That was only because when we got off the bus the parade happened to be right there. Don't get me wrong, we do see the parade it's just that we watch it from inside the fine city bars that are heated and by the way are always packed when we arrive there. I just wanted to point out that we are not the only ones that start out early in the morning on St Patty's Day . One thing we do before we start is we each pitch in 20 bucks a person and elect two people to be in charge of buying the drinks all day. The bars are crowded so it would be foolish for 20 + people to go in together and stand at the bar, or should I say attempt to stand at the bar. Another note is that the first 20.00 we pitch in won't be the last and when I say drinks I'm talking soda pops of course . Tip - One thing I have learned about being elected to the Most important job of the day which is by far buying the drinks is that the first round you buy make sure you order the opposite of what the people wanted. You'll be the bad guy for a little while but it is well worth the shame, the boos and dirty looks of not being able to order a round of drinks correctly when they impeach you from that position and you get out of ordering the drinks for the rest of the day. Trust me, someone else will take over As for being the bad guy, sooner or later someone else will do something stupid to earn the title of bad guy so you'll be off the hook in no time.

Most of the day pretty much consists of freezing our tails off but having a Super time in the process. The way we do St Patty's day is pretty much just bar hop all day and test out all some of the different variety's of brews that are on tap at the bars. I suppose you could say that we aren't there so much as to have fun but let's say we are doing research work on the brews. Maybe this year we will even take notes on our research. I do know that most of the men with us prefer the darker soda pops. Another good tip is to elect a leader to lead your group to the different bars. Someone who actually knows their way around the city of Syracuse. Remember, most of the time it is pretty cold out and for some reason almost always without fail the wind is blowing pretty good. The worse thing is to make a wrong turn and walk for a half a mile or so only to find out you have to go back the other way. For that my Brother in-law normally gets elected and does a fine job most of the time but every now and then he makes a wrong turn. That's normally a good thing for who ever is the bad guy at the time enabling him to pass the title over to my brother in-law for getting us lost. Like I said the "bad guy or gal" gets passed along throughout the day and always has a ton of laughs to go along with it. Jeez, now that I am typing and keep seeing the word elected. I'm starting to see that St Patty's Day is actually a fine example of the democracy in progress with all the elections we have going on. Most of the time the person being elected isn't and to be frank doesn't want to be elected

All in all we hit maybe 5 - 7 bars. We'll normally order appetizers, wings or something at one of the bars early and then end up at Clarks sooner or later for one of their great roast beef sandwiches. If you go to Clarks don't let the lines fool you. They rock at moving the customers along and you have your food in no time. The roast beef is well worth standing in line for. It's truly awesome. I wish I could plug all the bars that we hit but to be honest with you I'm just a follower the whole day hoping I don't get lost or left behind and never really check out the names of the bars we hit. I can only guess that any bar you end up in you'll have a great time. One thing that bothered me a bit last year is that during the day a lot of the bars weren't playing Irish songs. I don't know what was up with that. To the bar owners Please at least play Irish music in the daytime.

The biggest tip I can give is to dress warm. When your ready to leave the house and feel that your dressed up warm enough, go back and grab 3 extra coats. Only then will you be prepared for a great St Patty's day downtown. Then again I think it was a couple of years ago when the temps went up to 60 degrees and here was the Golden Snowball dude carrying a coat and 2 sweatshirts around looking like a fool. I did try the "can you hold this for a second while I do whatever" trick but that only worked for so long. I should of trusted the weatherman that time.

The day downtown or sometimes night downtown (depending on how much research some of us have done) will end with one of us calling our designated drivers to come pick us up. We use to try and catch or call a couple of taxis to get home but that is another story or two in itself. The last time we called for two taxis only one showed up. Being the gentlemen that we are (yes only gentlemen in our group ) we told the ladies to go ahead and we would suffer and wait it out until the next taxi shows up. Well what are the chances of not one of us having a watch on and you all know how time flies. Before we knew it almost a couple of hours went by. Anyways I'm sure you already figured out that the ladies weren't too happy with the men. Something to this day I haven't figured out because we all thought the women would of been impressed with how patient we were waiting for the taxi to arrive. Everyone knows men aren't known to be patient and so what if our patience was being displayed at a hopping bar. That shouldn't even come in to the picture should it That was the end to taxi's being used for the ride back to town.

Summary Finally - Sorry about the rant. I really could of kept going on. To sum it up I always thought St Patrick's day was a great big party downtown. After typing this up I discovered it's actually a democracy process in the works with all the electing we do in our group along with research work. Research on the different brews of beer downtown. The research work by far is the hardest part of the day. Now knowing that it's not the Big Party that I always thought it was I probably won't be able to enjoy it like I have in the past. I'll give it my best shot though

Have a Great Weekend All!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Warm Weather Has Arrived

It's a gorgeous day outside with the temps expected to hit around the mid to upper 40's today. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the mid 50's. These are what I call the teaser days for the fact that Mother Nature is doing just that to us. Teasing us into thinking that the cold weather is a thing of the past. We all know better though. It's only March and it won't last. Still that doesn't matter because most of us are ready for the warmer weather and any days that we can squeeze in between the snowfall we will take. It's almost like the beginning of winter when we figure the longer we can go with nice weather the shorter the winter seems.

Look for a few warmer than normal days followed by, well, the same Ole, same Ole that we have been getting. A cold front is suppose to move in toward the end of the week with a chance of some snow. Unfortunately it looks like it is going to be the normal freezing, windy St. Patrick's day as usual. It comes down to would you rather have it around 40 degrees and raining or 30 degrees and snowing while hitting the St Patty's Day parade. I'll take the snow over the rain any day. Last year was one of the coldest I can remember mostly because of the wind and this year looks to be about the same as last year. It's still several days off so lets all hope the forecast changes before Saturday arrives.

On the basketball front, I'm still a little in shock. I expected to wake up this morning and read, "Oops, We Messed Up, Syracuse is In". Of course that didn't happen and it's almost time to except it. Not quite yet but come tomorrow it will be time to move on.

Watching coach Jim Boeheim during his news conference was pretty tough. Obviously disappointed to say the least. You can watch it at at I'm not going to rant anymore about SU not getting in the NCAA tournament. I will say that every poll I have seen online so far thinks SU got the rawest deal of all the teams that were left out.

That said, there are a lot of good teams in the other tournament. The ummm, NIT tourney. Drexel, NC State who just made a good run in the ACC tourney, West Virginia, Air Force and a lot of other good teams. SU got a number 2 seed and will play South Alabama on Wednesday at 7 pm on ESPN. Of course an ACC team got the #1 seed in their bracket, go figure huh.

Now it's up to the team to get past the initial shock and show the country what the Orange are all about. They have been playing some of their best hoops of the season and they need to keep it going. 5 wins makes the NCAA committee look like the fools that they were when picking the best 34 teams in the country this year. All I can say now is GO SU, it's time to kick some Nit butt!!! Have a great week all!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

NCAA Clueless or What

Syracuse goes 7-4 the last 11 games including a win over Georgetown ranked #10 and they are out of the NCAA tournament. Plus a win in the BE tourney. Overall record 22-10

Syracuse has a record of 10-6 in the Big East


Duke goes 4-7 the last 11 games losing in the first round of the ACC tourney and they are a number 6. No wins in the ACC Tourney! Overall record 22-10

Duke has a record of 8-8 in the ACC Conf

* I'm not saying Duke shouldn't be in the tourney but a 6 seed is ^%$^#@(%^ and Syracuse not being in is more %$&((%#^*

ENOUGH SAID! I'm TICKED to say the least and better stop while I'm ahead :)!

More to come when I cool off :(

Even Sean Kirst's son gets it better than the NCAA Tournament committee does - More at Hopefully we will see Liam playing hoops for SU in another 6 years or so down the road :)

Here is a link with some comparisons to teams that made it

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Snow for All the Golden Snowball Cities

Cold and snowy describes yesterday and last night best. All of the city's added to their totals with Rochester being the winner of the last round. They picked up just under half a foot of snow and came in with 5.4 inches. Syracuse placed second with 4.1 inches of new snow reported so far. Binghamton had 1.9, Buffalo had 1.4 inches and Albany had .3. Rochester is still on a pretty good roll and continues to pick up a little bit on Syracuse's lead and extend their lead on Buffalo.

A lot of the schools were closed today because of the cold weather. Right now it's minus 20 degrees with the wind chill in Syracuse. MSNBC has a reporter in the city covering the weather and just watching her out there makes me cold. Keep the kids inside today because it doesn't take long for frostbite to set in and there is already a report of a child at Hancock airport that is being treated for frostbite on the website at

Enough about the weather though. Mega Bucks in the Mega Millions is the talk of the day. The lottery is up to 355 million dollars. That's $355,000,000.00! Just a dollar and a dream. Make that just a dollar, a dream and a heart attack if I was to ever win it. Just imagine what you can do with all that money. Ummm, pretty much anything you want to. Of course after taxes and whatever else they take out it will probably be around 130 million but hey, I'm not all that greedy. I'll take it, set the kids up for life, set the family and some friends up for life, start a charity and probably still have enough left to play around with. Yeah I know, stop with the dreaming and get on with the snow contest :) I'm curious as to what you all would do with that much money??? Good Luck to all of you who have that dollar and dream going tonight and don't forget the snowman when you win. Have a great day all.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Syracuse Hits Annual Snowfall Total

5pm Update - Just a quick update and heads up for those in the Syracuse area getting ready to head home. Channel 9 is reporting a 25 car pile up on the Onondaga Parkway and they are saying it is closed until at least 6pm so find another way to travel. With the way the wind and snow is and will continue to be, tonight is a good night to stay home. Temps are expected to fall between 15 - 29 below zero making things even more dangerous out there. It wouldn't surprise me if the kids in some of the CNY school districts have a day off tomorrow because of the unusual temps for March. Stay safe all!

Morning - An inch of snow has fallen in the last half hour in my neck of the woods. That on top of what fell overnight is more than enough to safely say that Syracuse has reached it's annual snowfall for the season on Feb 5th this season. As usual nothing is official until NOAA puts out the stats later in the early evening. That's why the totals up above don't reflect Syracuse being over the 111.9 yet. Looking back at the way the season started I have to admit that I was a little skeptical of my prediction that Syracuse would have an above average snowfall season this year.

Remember that the stats for annual snowfall for all of the city's is based on a 30 year look back period that is on a rolling 10 year system. In other words NOAA's averages are from a 30 year period of 1970-1971 through 2000 if I'm not mistaken and remember I normally am :) 2000 would have been the last update on the yearly averages with a new 10 year average coming out in 2010. Personally I would rather see the averages updated every year on NOAA but that's not the way it is. There are stats out there though that has the average for all the years that were recorded.

That all said it will be interesting to see how we all do the next day or two. Cold air, make that really cold air is expected to move into CNY from Canada. It will be interesting to see if any of the cities set some low temperature records in the next day or two. Hard to believe it is March isn't it?

Here in the Syracuse area it's been blue skies, light snow, heavy snow with a couple of brief white outs and blue Sky's once again. All in a matter of an hour or so. As always, take it easy on the roads and drive slow. The weather will be changing off and on and with the wind and blowing snow it could be a bit treacherous at times. Hey, have a super week all and stay warm!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Snow Pictures From After the Valentines Day Storm

Sorry about the lack of posting here but with all that snow my back has been shot for a couple of weeks now. Anyways there hasn't been a whole lot going on since Rochester over took Buffalo for second place. The storm that just hit was mostly rain with some freezing rain mixed in. Record rainfalls were posted for yesterday for Syracuse and Albany and if it was cold enough that most likely would have been quite a bit of snow. With Syracuse receiving over an inch of rainfall I think the other city's should be glad it was rain because that would of added to Syracuse's snow lead significantly. Enjoy the 40 degree heat wave today all!

Below are a few snow pictures I took after the Valentines Day storm and that weekend with one of my sons Chris as my playmate ;)

Feb 15Th - The Lake Effect Snow Has Ended - Time to Play

The Snowman on Mount Fremont - Sorry about the Close Up BTW
and Notice How I dyed my Beard Grey Just for the Pictures

OK, Maybe Not a Real Mountain but it Still Needs to Be Conquered

Finally Reaching the Peak of Mount Fremont
After Hours (2 Minutes) of Climbing

Taking a Break While Waiting for the Other City's to Catch Up

The Snowman Taunting Buffalo,
Binghamton and Rochester to Bring It On!

My Son Chris Reaching the Peak of Mount Fremont

Christopher Up To His Neck in Snow

The Snowman Considering the Pros and Cons as
His Son Urges Him To Roll Down Mount Fremont.
The Cons Won Out as I Tip Toed Down to Safety ;)

Have a Great Weekend All and Go SU!!!