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Golden Snowball Totals for the 2010 - 2011 Snowfall Season
Updated  5/1/2011

GSB Cities This Season Normal Average
to Date
This Time Last Season Normal
 Seasons Average
All Time Season Snowfall Record
Syracuse 179.0 111.8 106.1 121.1 192.1 inches
( 1992 - 1993 )
Rochester 127.0 99.8 89.8 100.3 161.7 inches
( 1959 - 1960 )
Binghamton 117.5 80.8 81.4 81 134.0 inches
( 1995 - 1996 )
Buffalo 111.8 96.7 74.1 97 199.4 inches
( 1976 - 1977 )
Albany 87.2 62.6 45.4 62.6 112.5 inches
( 1970 - 1971 )

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Golden Snowball Moved to

Unfortunately I had to move the Golden Snowball Award website and today was the last day to do so. It looks like it went smoothly and nothing was lost other than some of the pictures. This wasn't the right time to have to do it but it had to be done according to Google Blogger.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Snowing Today with Just a Few Days Left

Hey, is this contest still going on. It is although I've been missing for awhile. Only 3 days left and go figure there has been a couple of flurries here in the Syracuse area today. Other than some rainy days March and April have been pretty decent and lets hope May is too.

Blogger has decided that they are going to make some changes and the deadline for me to move the site as I understand it is on May 1st. That's the day that we always announce the contest is over. I think most of us know it's pretty much over right now but I still like to wait until that date. I think what I'm getting at is that if the blog looks a lot different or there isn't much here come Saturday you can all assume that I screwed up the migration of the Golden Snowball site. Hopefully that won't happen but hey, you all know how I am.

As for the national contest over at most likely trying to play it safe we will list an unofficial winner until I can hopefully talk with NOAA to make sure we didn't miss any city over 100,000 that still may not be listed. I'm still not convinced or comfortable at this point that we have every city that matters covered.

Have a super day all even if it is snowing!