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Golden Snowball Totals for the 2010 - 2011 Snowfall Season
Updated  5/1/2011

GSB Cities This Season Normal Average
to Date
This Time Last Season Normal
 Seasons Average
All Time Season Snowfall Record
Syracuse 179.0 111.8 106.1 121.1 192.1 inches
( 1992 - 1993 )
Rochester 127.0 99.8 89.8 100.3 161.7 inches
( 1959 - 1960 )
Binghamton 117.5 80.8 81.4 81 134.0 inches
( 1995 - 1996 )
Buffalo 111.8 96.7 74.1 97 199.4 inches
( 1976 - 1977 )
Albany 87.2 62.6 45.4 62.6 112.5 inches
( 1970 - 1971 )

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Once Again Buffalo Says "I Don't Think So"

Way to go Buffalo. Buffalo once again has kept Syracuse from reaching the top of the snow hill. They just don't want to give it up. I thought for sure Syracuse would be able to sneak up on them by the end of tonight but Buffalo is watching and they added another 5.4 inches to their totals yesterday compared to Rochester's 1.9 inches and Syracuse's 0.9 inches. Oh, and give Albany a tenth of an inch and nothing is showing for Binghamton. Syracuse better watch their backs because Rochester is slowly sneaking up on them the last few days.

Most of the lake effect warnings were canceled except for N. Oneida which goes until noon. That might be a good thing though. Buffalo got their snow when they weren't under a warning so maybe the other cities can do the same. The razzing has already started from the General from Buffalo and rightly so because he knows what's coming his way if Syracuse ever takes over the hill ;) The way the General is guarding it though, it might have to wait a little longer.

Right now just a light snowfall in the Syracuse area and looking at some of the radars it looks like Buffalo has it's snow shield up again and Rock City might be able to add to their totals with some flurries around their neighborhood. Binghamton really needs to get their snow season going and going soon. Have a great day all!


At 1/24/07, 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm smilin' today!

And I have a question for The Snowman :) Is there a specific date when the contest ends, or is it just kind of when everyone stops getting snow? And what if someone gets a huge snow storm at the end of June or something weird like that - would that count toward the following year?

Just wondering...

At 1/24/07, 7:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jill, thats a great question. The thing about the contest since it was started up again since the late 90's is that there really weren't any rules or anything. It just kind of happened every year and I kept the stats.

This year Syracuse had a press conference and after several discussions on the dates, a date was set. The end date is the last day in April. Hopefully the citys won't be just a tenth of an inch away from each other and there won't be any problems :(

The past few years it was normally called whenever it looked like a winner couldn't be beaten. Last year for example Syracuse was way ahead and there was never a snowfall in May in the past that could of put a city ahead.

That said, it is kind of in the city's hands as to what to do if it comes down to 2 city's being real close and snow in the forecast. I'm not sure if this make sense or not. Anyways this is kind of the first year that there have been some ground rules laid down. Pretty much just the dates.

At 1/24/07, 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answers... Seeing that there *is* a 'deadline', I think it would be more interesting (fun?) to see two or more of the cities really close and battling it out for a photo finish - hoping of course, that Buffalo would come out on top :)

Oh, and it's snowing here now :D

At 1/25/07, 12:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard that if the Buffalo Airport was in the Town of Hamburg, Rochester's Airport in the Town of Greece and Syracuse's Airport in the Town of Camillus, then the average snowfalls each year would be much different. Buffalo would be #1 averaging over 120 inches, Rochester #2 averaging about 105 inches and Syracuse #3 averaging about 100 inches.

Any truth to this....?

As it is today, Syracuse's Airport is located in the northern suburbs, which get much more snow than downtown Syracuse or the other suburbs. Everyone knows that when you go north of the Thruway in Onondaga County, the snowbelt begins. Rochester's Airport is located in Chili, which doesn't get as much snow as the towns closer to Lake Ontario. And Buffalo's Airport is just south of Amherst, which doesn't get as much snow as the Southtowns.

So I guess you could say Syracuse's Airport is in the best (or worst location... depending on how you look at it) location compared to Buffalo and Rochester.

At 1/25/07, 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Anonymous... If our airport was in Hamburg, we would still be *way* ahead of Syracuse.

But with things being the way they are, if Buffalo were to win, it would be that much sweeter :P

At 1/25/07, 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made an entry with a map in the message board regarding the Buffalo airport location.

I wouldn't say the Buffalo airport is in the worst spot. You would really have to relocate the airport past the southtowns and into ski country if we wanted to compete with Syracuse every year. Plus if you really think about Buffalo is the only city that can get lake effect from S,SW,W,NW and N wind flows. The NW wind always prevails so Syrcause usally wins, but when that SW wind setups just right... oh yes! =)

At 1/25/07, 8:56 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think we got it tonight.

At 1/25/07, 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ut Oh, a mutiny :( I'll let The General handle this question if he wants it ;p He has a Lake Effect Central set up in his house. He posted the Buffalo area stats at

Just out of curiosity I'm wondering why Camillus was the area picked for Syracuse?

CK1, from Buffalo or Rochester? So far the bands are staying just to the North and North East of the Syracuse area :(

At 1/25/07, 9:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snowman, just to let you know. Rochester's snow made the Weather Channel tonight. They said the Airport location in Rochester only had two inches of snow today, but East Rochester got 17 inches!

The Weather Channel then went on to explain how lake effect snow is very localized.

At 1/25/07, 10:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, I was watching the radars and thought Rochester was getting it good. Bummer to hear most of it missed them. I'd like to see them catch up to make it at least a 3 way race which would be a lot of fun. No doubt about what the weather station said about LES being localized.

I wish just once the weather channel would talk about our snow contest in NY. They always are mentioning the city's and it would be more fun if they would say something like Buffalo got 6 inches of snow and still lead the Golden Snowball contest. JMO of course ;)

At 1/25/07, 10:44 PM , Blogger Patrick said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that WeatherT posted in the forum a snow map of western and central NY which can give you all and idea of what anonymous was looking for. It's at the same address as the general posted. Look at the red heart to the north-east. I'm guessing thats the Lowville-Tug Hill area. Maybe Syracuse should move their airport there :P

At 1/25/07, 11:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if you just move the airports down my way? And bring the snow with them. :-P

At 1/26/07, 12:32 AM , Blogger Patrick said...

Weatherman, next time Sre is home on break I'll meet up with him and teach him the secret snow dance which he can bring back with him to State and perform it ;0)

At 1/26/07, 7:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me dancing would make the snow never come careful.

Here's an "if this happened" for everyone to enjoy:

If you had wheels instead of feet, you would be considered a bicycle. :D


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